What can IPSI design for you?
Doctors are educated in both theory and practice before they ever enter the operating room. Why should peacebuilding be any less professional?
Recent Features
Expert training design for global clients
Wanted: Kapayan – U.S. Marines Civil Affairs
An 18 hour multilateral simulation based on the issues in Mindanao, Philippines built for U.S. Marines Civil Affairs Units (or other Civ-Mil audiences) to train on conflict prevention, governance, negotiation, crisis response, and do no harm development work. The 3rd and 1st Civil Affairs groups recently ran “Wanted: Kapayan” as part of their core training curriculum.
“Pillars of Peace” Training
In partnership with the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) and Rotary International, IPSI is designed a 2-day training on operationalizing IEP’s Pillars of Peace. The first iteration of the training took place in Kampala, Uganda in early October 2016, then in Mexico in 2017. Contact us if interested in a Pillars of Peace training for your group.
Community-based Policing and CVE
IPSI was contracted by Creative Associates International to design and implement a workshop on human security and community-based policing in CVE contexts for national and local level government officials in Burkina Faso under USAID West Africa’s Partnerships for Peace (P4P). Participants defined human security approaches to CVE, identified effective strategies to engage local communities in policing activities, and discussed the potential challenges of community-based security initiatives.
Religion & Conflict
The Religion & Conflict Project for U.S. Foreign Affairs Officials conceptualized, designed, and built by IPSI for the U.S. Department of State, the Foreign Service Institute, and USAID, is the most complete, complex, and targeted training on the topic currently available in the world, utilizing new technologies and newly developed theory to target varying learning styles and comfort-levels with the topic. Through this flexible modular online training, U.S. Foreign Affairs Officials learn how to build authentic, long-term partnerships with religious actors and institutions in order to prevent and resolve violent conflict.
Frontline Civilians
IPSI designed a series of interactive flexible materials that prepare U.S. Civil Servants and the Foreign Service Community serving in foreign environments, particularly high-stress environments, to increase their resilience skills, their literacy on PTSD and related trauma and stressor-related disorders (SRDs), and their ability to cope with traumatic events at an individual and organizational level.
Syria Simulations
As violence continues unabated, Syrians and the international community are seeking greater information on how to resolve the armed conflict and then transition to stability. To address the question of how the Syrian conflict will end and what a possible transition might look like, IPSI developed a series of half day-to-three day interactive, flexible multilateral simulations based on the conflict in Syria. These simulations have proven effective training and predictive tools for over a dozen various audiences in academia, government, and defense.
“Peace Is…” Video
IPSI and the Rotarian Action Group for Peace (Peace RAG), in collaboration with leadership from Rotary International, scripted and produced a 5-minute animated video to clearly illustrate the Global Peace System concept for Rotarians, inspire action to build Peace Projects, and give Rotarians the tools to further their peace work. The video immediately went viral among Rotarians.
UN Resolution 1325
This IPSI-designed interactive training course for the Institute for Inclusive Security will introduce users to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and national action plans. After completing this 30-minute module, users will understand why these plans are important, what’s needed to make a NAP high-impact, and what a user can do in their own country.
Women and the Criminal Justice Sector
IPSI recently designed and delivered the “Women and the Criminal Justice Sector” pre-deployment training for the U.S. Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. This is a half-to-full-day training with 7 original exercises. Participants deepen their understanding of gender and how it can be mainstreamed into their work and into the criminal justice system.
“Shrouded Dialogues” Simulation
Built for the Institute for Inclusive Security, “Shrouded Dialogues” is a one-to-three day multilateral simulation with 20 unique roles built to train women on the outside of a peace process to ensure that women’s voices are heard at the negotiating table. Participants practice coalition building, facilitation, negotiation, media messaging, and peace process design.
Simulation Library – We have dozens of off-the-shelf skills-building simulations already built and ready to facilitate for your team.