Developing Professional Peace Practitioners

Thought leadership highlights:

Applied Research + Assessments

Simple practitioner tools distilled from complex theory

Through applied research, we find solutions to realistic problems and develop innovative approaches to peace. We build theory, practitioner tools, and assessment frameworks that can be applied to real-life.

Rapid Assessment Governance Tool

IPSI and Creative Associates recently released the Governance Fragility Resilience Assessment Method (FRAMe), a tool and accompanying training suite designed to support community leaders and development practitioners identify specific weaknesses or vulnerabilities within governance systems and then develop tailored and targeted approaches to enhance community resilience. 

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Fragility Assessments

In collaboration with, we offer a new approach to assessing and addressing fragility; one that is rooted in the societal and institutional dynamics that cause fragility, rather than the formal institutions or visible symptoms that result from it. Based on over ten years of research on fragile states, our assessments uniquely focus on the forces that can drive a society together or apart. We then offer a simple-to-use guide for clients to analyze the context-specific challenges facing individual fragile states. 

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Organizational & Individual Resilience

Working in non-permissive and high-threat environments where primary or secondary trauma poses a threat to the wellbeing of your team can critically impair institutional ability to achieve objectives. To increase resilience in high-risk contexts, an organization must do more than offer wellness programs. It must develop a culture that nurtures mental health and encourages trust and flexibility. IPSI’s organizational resilience package includes assessments and tailored training for leadership and staff to create a culture of resilience. 

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Countering Violent Extremism

IPSI is recognized as a global thought leader on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). In April 2016, IPSI and Creative Associates International hosted the
Countering Violent Extremism Symposium in Washington, DC, launching the Countering Violent Extremism Community and resulting in an Executive Report that clearly outlines a path forward for effective CVE. IPSI now advises NGOs, government agencies, and private sector companies on CVE-related issues, and we are designing a suite of trainings for effective CVE.  We also serve as a Strategic Partner for the RESOLVE Network at USIP.