Negotiating in an International Context


  Alpana Modi (Australia) Tuesday’s session on “Negotiating in an International Context” was an eye opening experience for me. I learned the intricacies of international negotiating, and that “silence is worth more than a thousand [...]

Negotiating in an International Context2017-09-01T16:46:00-05:00

Reconciliation: Who is it for?


  Kendal Jones (US) Although scholars and practitioners in the field of post-conflict transitions tend to view reconciliation as an “obvious objective” and perhaps even the main challenge to rebuilding communities after conflict, the victims [...]

Reconciliation: Who is it for?2017-09-01T16:46:00-05:00

Paved with Good Intentions


Kate Kranz Jordan (USA - Allied Joint Force Command, Naples/US Naval Forces Europe/Africa, ISAF, United States Naval Academy) At the end of the second week of the symposium, we set out to resolve a number of the [...]

Paved with Good Intentions2017-09-01T16:46:00-05:00

Conceptualization to Application: Reflections on a Week Exploring International Criminal Justice Mechanisms


  Jennifer MacNeill (US) It is one thing to sit in a classroom for weeks, months - years even, and learn about concepts such as “restorative and retributive justice”, “frameworks”, and “alternatives to state building”…It [...]

Conceptualization to Application: Reflections on a Week Exploring International Criminal Justice Mechanisms2017-09-01T16:46:00-05:00

Prosecutorial Strategies in an International Context


  Ojo Osaigbovo (Nigeria/Australia) The debate regarding the efficacy of punitive versus restorative justice has been an increasingly central one in global political discourse. As a proponent of a punitive form of post-war transitional justice [...]

Prosecutorial Strategies in an International Context2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

On Bureaucrats and Monsters


(Sarah Littisha Jansen, Canada)  To hear David Crane, former founding Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, tell it, one would understand that the greatest insult he ever received was when Thabo Mbeki [...]

On Bureaucrats and Monsters2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

IPSI’s 2015 Visit to the ICTY


Alpana Modi (Australia) The last 24 hours on the ICTY have been highly educational – dining with an interpreter of the ICTY, attending the hearing of Ratko Mladić at the ICTY and having a question [...]

IPSI’s 2015 Visit to the ICTY2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

In the Pursuit of Justice


Benita Sumita (India) International justice is a powerful and powerless word simultaneously. It means all and nothing as I have come to see and understand it in the last couple of days of learning about [...]

In the Pursuit of Justice2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

You Think You Know Statebuilding?


Daniel Holmes (Canada)  Forget everything you thought you knew about statebuilding. The esteemed Dr. Robert Lamb challenged the class with the most difficult and frustrating lesson to date. As the day started, Dr. Lamb led [...]

You Think You Know Statebuilding?2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

Reflections on the Balkan Condition


Elfrid Pati (Albania) It is three days since the 20th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre, and as I sit in a boat-turned-outdoors seating for a restaurant I’ve recently grown fond of on one of The [...]

Reflections on the Balkan Condition2017-09-01T16:46:01-05:00

Discovering the Real ICC


  Auriane Botte (France) Day 4 was entirely dedicated to the International Criminal Court (ICC). As I am passionate about the ICC and International Criminal Justice, this day promised to be full of exciting discoveries [...]

Discovering the Real ICC2017-09-01T16:46:02-05:00

Restorative and Retributive Justice: Where Do We Stand?


Elysa Hogg (Canada) The theme of today’s classes was ‘Mapping the Fields of Restorative and Retributive Justice.’ Within the first five minutes of the morning Dr. Tom Zwart distributed several international court scenarios for us [...]

Restorative and Retributive Justice: Where Do We Stand?2017-09-01T16:46:03-05:00

Fearless Innovation


Laura Steele (Australia) After diving headfirst into fixing the post-conflict situation in Libya, guided and inspired by the highly accomplished and somewhat hard-core transition specialist and practitioner Audra Dykman, the scene was set early on [...]

Fearless Innovation2017-09-01T16:46:03-05:00

What is Your Theory of Change?


Benita Sumita (India) “A man who wants to move a mountain does so by carrying away small stones at a time,” Confucius There is no doubt that the 2015 Hague Symposium is about the big [...]

What is Your Theory of Change?2017-09-01T16:46:03-05:00

Putting the Just in Justice


Nathan Williams JP (Australia) The International Peace and Security Institute’s 10th Hague Symposium began with a dinner at the Rootz Restaurant attended by esteemed guest speaker Justice Richard Goldstone. Justice Goldstone was the first Chief Prosecutor [...]

Putting the Just in Justice2017-09-01T16:46:03-05:00