Putting Peacebuilding to the Test


Zunaira Malik, United States of America Take thirty six individuals: lawyers, students, and practitioners, train them in transitional justice and pragmatic peacebuilding, and then put them to the test. This has been our life for [...]

Putting Peacebuilding to the Test2017-09-01T16:46:03-05:00

Simulation Preparations with Wilbur Perlot


Kevin Coffey, Ireland In anticipation of the intensive three-day simulation geared towards achieving peace in the fictionalized war-torn Beladusham, IPSI participants had the pleasure of being trained in negotiation by Mr. Wilbur Perlot; the deputy-director [...]

Simulation Preparations with Wilbur Perlot2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

Numbered days at The Hague


Emily Fountain, United States of America Steven Biko once wrote, “In time, we shall be in a position to bestow on South Africa the greatest possible gift - a more human face.” I remember reading [...]

Numbered days at The Hague2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

The ICTY and Help From the Media


Matthew Dato, United States of America Here at the International Peace and Security Institute’s summer symposium in The Hague, I have had the extraordinary opportunity to listen to thought-provoking speakers, to be instructed and guided [...]

The ICTY and Help From the Media2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

Peering into a Window of the Past


Jennifer Kerner, United States of America How does the world make sense of unimaginable atrocities and establish some semblance of justice for those affected by these events? On Wednesday, Former Special Advisor to the Prosecutor [...]

Peering into a Window of the Past2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

Reintegrating Local Needs into DDR Processes


William Bejan, United States of America As an International Peace and Security Institute participant who had the pleasure of attending last year’s Bologna Symposium on Conflict Resolution, I am grateful for the new insights I [...]

Reintegrating Local Needs into DDR Processes2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

The Meaning of Resistance


Adriana Roque Romero, Colombia It has been almost a week since we arrived to The Hague, and we have been learning about various issues concerning the elements involved in post-conflict transitions, mainly through the scope [...]

The Meaning of Resistance2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

Learning from the Field


Felix Papineau, Canada It is sometimes stated that the 20th century, which brought us the First and Second World Wars as well as the Cold War, was the century of conflicts, while the 21st century will [...]

Learning from the Field2017-09-01T16:46:04-05:00

Transitional Stabilization


Sophia Carrillo, United States of America One of the highlights of The Hague Symposium is the immense breadth of experience the speakers divulge during topic lectures, translating to an incredible opportunity to glean best practices [...]

Transitional Stabilization2017-09-01T16:46:05-05:00

Refreshing Perspectives at the Half-Way Point


Adriana Abu Abara, Australia July 24 began with a site visit to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. It began like any other introduction to a tribunal: the logistics, the courtroom, and the cases before the [...]

Refreshing Perspectives at the Half-Way Point2017-09-01T16:46:05-05:00

Establishing Governance in Transitions


Catarina Inverso, Brazil   How, and from where, do systems of governance emerge in a post-war context?Is a top-down or a bottom-up approach better equipped to establish a new government? What about hybrid approaches of [...]

Establishing Governance in Transitions2017-09-01T16:46:05-05:00

A Time for Peace


Victoria Barker, United States of America As I biked to the Clingendael Institute of International Relations this morning, the city seemed eerie — I hardly passed anyone else on the usually bustling bike path. The whole [...]

A Time for Peace2017-09-01T16:46:06-05:00

Mirroring Biases in Considering Reconciliation


Nancy Waterstraat, Germany   Is reconciliation always feasible and necessary? The first part- feasibility- might be a quite obvious maybe or even no. One of the most striking realizations personally, however, was that maybe the [...]

Mirroring Biases in Considering Reconciliation2017-09-01T16:46:06-05:00

Learning to Honor Justice the Hard Way


Santiago Alberto Vargas Nino, Colombia   July 17 marked the celebration of the Day of International Criminal Justice. On this very special occasion, participants at The Hague Symposium on Post-Conflict Transitions and International Justice organized [...]

Learning to Honor Justice the Hard Way2017-09-01T16:46:07-05:00

Justice: an unrealistic utopia?


Melissa O'Donnell, Australia Any commitment to working in this field, becoming a peacemaker, surely demands a certain level of idealism, a belief that a better reality is possible and, call it naïve or arrogant, but a [...]

Justice: an unrealistic utopia?2017-09-01T16:46:07-05:00

Unfolding the Bases of International Justice and Introduction to the International Criminal Court with Dr. Dov Jacobs


Felix Papineau, Canada As if having the opportunity to study and mingle in the beautiful and historical Clingendael Institute, where a think tank and diplomatic academy is established, was not by itself a stimulating enough [...]

Unfolding the Bases of International Justice and Introduction to the International Criminal Court with Dr. Dov Jacobs2017-09-01T16:46:07-05:00

How Holistic Can Transitions Be?


Juliana Gonzalez, Colombia The Hague Symposium has officially begun and we all eagerly sit at Clingendael, waiting for Dr. Daniel Serwer to come in and begin the first session. We discovered that we share no [...]

How Holistic Can Transitions Be?2017-09-01T16:46:07-05:00